The Troll In The Church Fountain - Chapter 2, Part 1

Early on Friday morning the bridal procession started gaily, and all
the village folks were so occupied they never noticed that the Church
Fountain had ceased to bubble.

The bells rang out; while the Troll, hidden in the branches of a tree
close to the entrance door, glanced first at the procession and then
at a wedge of wood sticking out of the stone mouth of the Fountain,
and he laughed elfishly.

"Ha, ha! The old horse has kept his promise. This _is_ seeing the
world," he whispered triumphantly.

The marriage ceremony was soon over, and as the newly-wedded pair
stepped out upon the terrace again, Terli drew from his pocket a
little jar of water, and _splash!_ fell some drops from it right in
the eyes of the Bride and Bridegroom.

"It is beginning to rain! I saw the clouds gathering! Run, run, for
the nearest shelter!" cried everyone confusedly, and off dashed the
crowd, panting and breathless.

Now it was an unfortunate thing, that after the wedding everything in
the new household seemed to go wrong.